Registration & Funding

To register and pay for a course, simply follow these steps: 


  1. Fill out the Registration Form and select your course. Please complete one Registration Form per course. Completing the Registration Form reserves your place in the course. You will only be charged once you complete the Payment Form. Register early, as many courses fill quickly.
  2. Fill out the Payment Form. Pay the course fee ONLY after your course is confirmed to run. Please be aware that using your credit card will incur transaction fees. These fees are not refundable if you choose to cancel your registration. There are no fees if you pay via checking or savings account. International payments are made via a different payment form. Please contact Nicolette Meister if you need to make a payment from outside the U.S.
  3. Fill out the Scholarship Payment Form if you received a NEH Scholarship. This form reflects the scholarship discounts. Pay the course fee ONLY after your course is confirmed to run. 

If you have any questions about billing or payment, please contact the Beloit College Accounting Office at (608) 363-2239. 

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