Safety Tips

Beloit College wants you to be safe regardless of where you are on campus, at home, or anywhere else in life! Please see the basic safety tips below, that are geared towards campus, but can help you anywhere which are also outlined in our Annual Security Report.

Personal Safety Tips

  • Add Security’s telephone number (608-363-2355) to your cell phone now if you haven’t already done so.
  • In an emergency, dial 911 if you are off campus.
  • Avoid walking alone at night, particularly in isolated areas with limited lighting. If you are on campus, contact Security (608-363-2355) for an escort.
  • If you must walk alone, let a friend know where you are going and call your friend when you arrive safely. Consider carrying a whistle, or other sound-making device, to alert others if you have trouble.
  • Be alert. If you are being followed, head quickly (run if necessary) to a well lit area, building, or group of people. If you are on campus, go to the nearest emergency telephone and press the [Emergency Button] which calls Security, or use your cell phone to call 608-363-2355. Our Emergency Numbers & Phones page includes a map and lists their locations around campus.
  • Don’t prop open the entry doors to residential halls. Residential entry doors are locked 24/7 for your protection. If you find them open, you have the right to close and secure them for your safety and the safety of others. If a door is malfunctioning, contact Security.
  • Always have your keys and student ID with you at all times.
  • Keep your doors locked when studying alone or sleeping in your room.
  • No one is allowed to sleep in residential hall lounges for your protection.
  • Report any suspicious persons to Security. Do not attempt to confront or apprehend subjects yourself; quickly observe as much as you can and call Security immediately.

If you are the victim of an assault

  • Remain as calm and aware as possible
  • Notice everything you can about the perpetrator; clothing, height, weight, hair (including facial hair), speech, tattoos, glasses, direction headed, etc.
  • Preserve any physical evidence. Do not touch any object that may have been handled by the assailant.
  • Seek assistance from Security immediately (608-363-2355) immediately. If you’re off campus, dial 911!
  • If the assault was sexual in nature, you can view the college’s Sexual Assault Support page for information on Resources, Reporting, Definitions, Policies, the Investigation Process, and Your Rights.

Property Safety Tips

Minor thefts of personal property are the most common crimes on campuses. It is perhaps one of the most difficult crimes for our Security staff to prevent. You, however, have a great deal of control in the prevention of personal property thefts simply by following some common sense guidelines.

  • Keep your room door locked at all times, even if you will only be gone “just a few minutes”.
  • Record serial numbers, brand names, model numbers, and descriptions of valuable items for your records.
  • Immediately notify Security (608-363-2355) if you observe any suspicious activity.
  • Report all faulty locks, doors, windows, lighting to your RA or Security.
  • Always take your purse, wallet, phone, iPod, laptop, or other valuables with you when you leave a lounge, classroom, or a table at the Library. Never leave your laptop unattended! Always lock your backpack or book bag in your room when going to a meal at Hamiltons.
  • Always lock your bicycle using a strong lock. “U” shaped locks are the best when secured through an immovable portion of your bike’s frame. Chains should be at least 3/8” in diameter and cables at least 1/4” in diameter (not including the plastic covering). Remove quick release items from your bike and store them in your room. Record serial numbers, model numbers, etc. for your records. Should your bike be stolen, you will need this information to get your bike back. We prefer, but don’t require, you to register your bike with Security in the basement of Pearsons Hall.
  • Always lock your vehicle doors and park in well lit areas whenever possible. Never leave your keys in your vehicle. Avoid leaving property in your vehicle. If you must do so, lock it in the trunk, or conceal any valuables so that they are not visible.

Make a commitment not to be a “victim”. Follow up on this commitment with an effort to use precautionary measures whenever possible. Never be hesitant to contact Security at 608-363-2355 for questions, or assistance.

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