
Applications for the 2022-2023 Academic Year will be accepted through December 2022.

Applications for the 2023 Summer Session will be accepted through April 28, 2023.


To apply for the Help Yourself Programs, students need to be enrolled in the School District of Beloit, have an interest in going on to post-secondary education, possess leadership skills, have a desire to explore, and have something to offer the programs. Students must be in at least 6th grade in order to complete a program application.

Submitting Materials

Directly to Help Yourself

The application may be submitted via email (, by mail (700 College Street, Box 147, Beloit, WI, 53511), or dropped off in-person to the 1st floor of South College on the Beloit College campus.

At Student’s School

Students may also turn in an application by hand at one of the Academic & Curricular Enhancement (ACE) sessions:

  • Cunningham Intermediate Schools: Mondays
  • Aldrich and McNeel Intermediate Schools: Tuesdays
  • Fruzen Intermediate School: Wednesdays 
  • Beloit Memorial High School: Mondays and Wednesdays

Application Review

We will review all applications, placing a particular emphasis on the teacher recommendations. Students can expect to hear from us within 2 weeks of submitting an application.

Request an Application

Application materials are sent to all students who are nominated by teachers and administrators. If a student or parent is interested in the program, however, application materials must be requested directly from the Director using the following form.

If you have any questions regarding the application process, please feel free to give us a call at (608) 363-2637.

All fields marked with asterisk (*) are required.

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