
B.A., Romance and Germanic Languages, Kuban State University
M.A., Romance and Germanic Languages, Kaliningrad State University

Courses Taught

A native of Krasnodar, Russia, I teach Russian Conversation and Composition, Russian Civilization, and topical courses on Russian literature.

I serve as Faculty director and also coordinate the Russian program in Beloit College’s Center for Language Studies.

Olga Ogurtsova

Adjunct Associate Professor of Modern Languages & Literatures (Russian)

 Email:  Phone: 608-363-2312  Office: Room 8 (basement), World Affairs Center

A native of Krasnodar, Russia, I taught English in Russia before coming to Beloit College through an exchange program to teach Russian. Today, I continue to teach Russian every summer through Beloit College’s Center for Language Studies, for which I also serve as the faculty director. I also teach an online course for working professionals who want to maintain their Russian language skills. I have received awards for my teaching from both Beloit College, where I earned the Underkofler Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award, and the Beloit Rotary Club.

I love my work advising students. It is rewarding to help them find themselves as they navigate a new environment and learn to thrive. As an advisor, I work with first year students, exchange and transfer students, as well as local high school students who earn college credit by taking Beloit College courses as Porter Scholars.


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